Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Kingfisher Project

The Kingfisher Project is a community information and radio project based at public radio station, WJFF, Jeffersonville, NY, 90.5 fm.  The project was established in 2014 to honor the life of a young woman, Rebecca Pisall, 20, who was shot and killed on June 20, 2014, due to her addiction to heroin.  For more on The Kingfisher Project, go here:

Radio segments produced for the Kingfisher Project are part of the Making Waves public affairs program which airs 8 to 9 p.m. Mondays on WJFF. I was honored to be a part of the January 26th program, which included my presentation to the U.S. Senate Forum on Addiction and Collateral Consequences. 

The January 26th segment was titled “The Stigma Is Deadly.” It is a half hour long. To hear the episode, to support WJFF, and most important, to help launch the fledgling Kingfisher Project, listen to the episode here:

Thanks.  We WILL prevail.
